
Showing posts from April, 2022

Re: Easter

Bandit Heeler Brisbane Queensland Australia Dear Bandit, Happy Easter! I really enjoyed reading your letter about the Easter Egg hunt at your house (though you might have spared a few details about the smelly toilet!) Sounds like the Easter Bunny really outdid himself! Littles also had an Easter Egg hunt with considerably simpler clues, culminating in "Who do you think would be hiding the biggest egg?" which was, of course, in a box to which I'd taped a magnificent rendering in my own hand of Dr. Robotnik, AKA Eggman, of Sonic the Hedgehog fame (Picture enclosed).            The other clues led to little eggs, each tucked away with a clue to the next. Naturally, Littles walked straight in, pointed to the Eggman picture and declared "I bet the big one's behind Dr. Eggman!", sparing me the trouble of having written any clues. Much chocolate was consumed, and despite our best efforts to get her to eat something other than chocolate, we got to experience the phe

Re: My back

Bandit Heeler Brisbane Queensland Australia Dear Bandit, I have done my back in. After a pleasant evening yesterday shifting furniture for my sister, for which I was paid in pizza, I awoke this morning feeling OK. I picked Littles up in the persona of a monster, declaring, "Me found this sack of potatoes! What me do with this sack of potatoes?!" She would wriggle a bit. "This sack of potatoes moving! Is that normal for potatoes?" Eventually she protested, "I'm not a sack of potatoes, I'm a child!" "Aw, me sorry! Me thought you was a sack of potatoes," I said, throwing her down on the bed and tickling her.  Predictably enough, she said "Again!" and we went through the same routine five times. The weird thing is, my back didn't complain while I was actually doing it. Then it took a few minutes to think about it and then went "Nope!" It was a very sudden and painful "Nope", Bandit. The sort of "Nope&quo

Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

 Bandit Heeler Brisbane Queensland Australia Dear Bandit, I really enjoyed your letter about taking Bluey and Bingo to the cinema. It was hilarious! I took Littles to see Sonic 2 last night. She's been really excited about it for weeks, and has talked of little else since I booked the tickets. The film itself didn't disappoint. It had just the right balance of genuine excitement and complete absurdity, and it held my more discerning adult attention throughout. We took Littles's Sonic and Tails cuddly toys (because obviously they wanted to see their own film. No red carpet for them, though, which was odd.) We also brought our own snacks. I know this is discouraged by cinemas, but frankly, cinema snacks and cinema tickets are both outrageously overpriced, so it's one or the other I'm afraid! Littles was bouncing up and down excitedly - it was a bouncing up and down excitedly sort of film - and she noticed a slightly younger boy doing the same thing in our row. Our row