Re: Easter

Bandit Heeler

Dear Bandit,

Happy Easter!

I really enjoyed reading your letter about the Easter Egg hunt at your house (though you might have spared a few details about the smelly toilet!) Sounds like the Easter Bunny really outdid himself!

Littles also had an Easter Egg hunt with considerably simpler clues, culminating in "Who do you think would be hiding the biggest egg?" which was, of course, in a box to which I'd taped a magnificent rendering in my own hand of Dr. Robotnik, AKA Eggman, of Sonic the Hedgehog fame (Picture enclosed).


The other clues led to little eggs, each tucked away with a clue to the next. Naturally, Littles walked straight in, pointed to the Eggman picture and declared "I bet the big one's behind Dr. Eggman!", sparing me the trouble of having written any clues.

Much chocolate was consumed, and despite our best efforts to get her to eat something other than chocolate, we got to experience the phenomenon that is Littles on a chocolate breakfast. Never again, Bandit. Never again!

At one point, she declared, "I wish it could be Easter every day!" She has been contacted by Wizzard's lawyers.

I pointed out that not only would that mean that Easter wouldn't be special, but that would mean there would be no Hallowe'en or Christmas, since they would be replaced by Easter. She replied that it could be Easter and Christmas and Hallowe'en all at the same time! Beloved helpfully branded this hybrid holiday "Challowe'ester". Of course, I was afraid to ask whether the plan was for one of the Easters to be replaced by Challowe'ester, or for every single day to be Challowe'ester. Its main symbol, I think, would be a Hallowe'enishly terrifying bunny in a Santa hat. In fact, I believe the image that sprung to mind was Chilli's delightful clown cake of which you were kind enough to send me a picture... but with rabbit ears and a Santa hat!

I have been thinking a lot about how the Easter Bunny compares to his gift-giving companions, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. For it is the habit of adults to tell children that Santa will only come to children who are good, and that the Tooth Fairy will pay more for a well-looked-after tooth. But alone of the magical givers, the Easter Bunny just plain gives out eggs. It's unconditional.

Of course, given that the themes of Easter are rebirth, resurrection, new life, new hope and second chances, it would seem bizarrely un-Easter to link chocolate eggs to behaviour in the past.

Nonetheless, I like my theory. That since the Easter Bunny is the only one not pushing an adult agenda, he is the only one we may safely conclude is real.

Give my love to Chilli and the girls,

Best wishes,



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