Re: Bodies

Bandit Heeler

Dear Bandit,

I loved reading your letter about exercise. We don't get enough of it with small crazy people running around us, that's for sure! Most of my exercise consists of carrying Littles here and there on my shoulders - the "Good seat", she calls it. And, Bandit, that used to be easier! She's getting taller and I'm getting shorter.

You're very right that it is important to exercise to stay healthy, but I'm not sure it's healthy to be worrying about your weight. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's an unhealthy attitude, especially when we show it in front of our kids. My advice would be to throw those scales away! They're not helping anyone.

So if you're exercising because you want to be fit and healthy, good on you. But if it's because society is telling you that you're not an attractive shape, then society can just bugger off!

I'm actually a bit worried about raising a daughter in a world saturated with the "Thin is good; fat is bad" mentality. A lot of people get eating disorders because of it, the weight-loss industry rakes in billions at their expense, and we need to be protecting our kids from that - even if we do find it hard to be happy with our own size and shape.

My body's changed as well as my mind since becoming a dad, Bandit. A lot more than yours, from the look of you. The curvature of my belly is inversely proportional to the quality of my jokes. But so what? It's all part of the game.

 There are three things I think you need to know.

1. You can be fat and happy.
2. You can be fat and healthy
3. You're not fat. Not even close. 

I'm not denying there's a link between weight and health. Of course there is. But it's a lot more complex and nuanced than people are encouraged to think. People who know they're not fat are taught to fear being fat; people who aren't fat (that's you, bandit) are convinced that they are; and people who are fat are taught that there must be something wrong with them, and frankly, it's got to stop!

Anyway, I need to wrap up this letter. I've got some chocolate mini-rolls that aren't going to eat themselves!

Look after yourself, Bandit. And love that bod of yours just the way it is, you gorgeous chunk of bright blue manliness.

Give my love to Chilli and the girls,

Best wishes,



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