Re: My back

Bandit Heeler

Dear Bandit,

I have done my back in.

After a pleasant evening yesterday shifting furniture for my sister, for which I was paid in pizza, I awoke this morning feeling OK.

I picked Littles up in the persona of a monster, declaring, "Me found this sack of potatoes! What me do with this sack of potatoes?!" She would wriggle a bit. "This sack of potatoes moving! Is that normal for potatoes?" Eventually she protested, "I'm not a sack of potatoes, I'm a child!"

"Aw, me sorry! Me thought you was a sack of potatoes," I said, throwing her down on the bed and tickling her. 

Predictably enough, she said "Again!" and we went through the same routine five times.

The weird thing is, my back didn't complain while I was actually doing it. Then it took a few minutes to think about it and then went "Nope!"

It was a very sudden and painful "Nope", Bandit. The sort of "Nope" that can only be noped by a disgruntled back.

I've been horizontal for much of today, and it only really hurts when I stand up, bend down, reach for something or fart.

Hope you're doing better than I am!

Give my love to Chilli and the girls,

Best wishes,



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