Re: Independence

Bandit Heeler

Dear Bandit,

Littles has a new favourite word: "Independent."

Its main use seems to be when the clock is racing towards 9am and we are desperately trying to get her dressed. It means we may not help her in any way whatsoever, no matter how much time it would save.

Independence is wonderful, but not if it means giving up accepting help. Being an independent person may be, in some ways, similar to being an independent country. I have the misfortune of living in a country that opted, eight years ago, not to be an independent country. It was, at that time, insufficiently grown-up, like when we tried to toilet train Littles and it didn't work because she wasn't ready.

We who want independence for Scotland are trying to have the question asked again, but opponents maintain that the answer of eight years ago should stand today. No! We don't want to toilet train! We are proud of our nappies, thank you very much, and are staying in them forever!

Of course, when Scotland becomes independent, one of the first things we will do is apply to re-join the European Union. That is because we understand that independent countries, like independent grown-ups, help each other. That is something I would very much like Littles to understand about independence. It is OK to be independent and still have someone help you put your shoes on.

Still, Bandit, as phases go, I like independence a lot better than Paw Patrol!

Give my love to Chilli and the girls,

All the best,



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