Re: Light-bums

Bandit Heeler

Dear Bandit,

I pointed out to Littles a curious effect of intersecting curves of light in a cup. I call this the "light-bum" because, let's be honest, what else does it look like? Photo enclosed.


 I actually think it looks a bit better in the bottom of an empty cup, but it's easier to
photograph if the cup is full.         

I think Bluey and Bingo would really appreciate this one. But instead of just showing it to them, maybe you could make it a challenge: can you find a bum made of light? Offer a ridiculous prize like horsey-rides on demand for a week. I'm sure they'll get it. It'll take them the better part of 8 minutes, I imagine.

And for bonus points... DOUBLE LIGHT-BUM IN THE BATH!


I have since learned that the proper name for this phenomenon is a "caustic curve", and now that I know that, I feel entitled to change my name to Sciency McScienceface.

Give my love to Chilli and the girls,

Best wishes,




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